Essential Oils VS Chemical Fragrances Which is better?

Now I’m no scientist, but when it come to fragrances l know what affects me and what doesn’t. So when I’m asked are essential oils ok with people who are sensitive or have allergies to fragrances, I can’t give straight answer.

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Chemical Fragrances

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In my personal experience  the people in our house can occasionally deal with a chemical fragrance, which ones they are, l can’t tell you as fragrances do not have to be detailed on any product labelling in Australia. To stay on the safe side we just try to avoid them all.


Essential oils


 Essential oils on the other hand are a mixed bag. Through a lot of trial and error it seems we are ok with small amount of certain essential oils. Specifically peppermint, orange, eucalyptus and tea tree. 

It you know anything about the origins of essential oils you may know that they come from different parts of plants and trees. Out our house ALL the essential oils that come from flowers are definite triggers for us both, oils such as lavender, Ylang yang and orange blossom. Oils from plants, peels and barks seem  we have a greater tolerance for.

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 So, in answer to the question are essential oils good for those with fragrance allergies, the answer is I guess  you have to try the individual oils and see what works for you. Fingers crossed you can find one you like.